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Three new things are coming up soon: a weekly prayer meeting, a monthly bible study seminar called, "Feast," and a new series for Wednesday night on the church. Mark your calendars!

Update to service schedule beginning July 19.

Update on phases of re-opening EBC for worship services and other activities

Emmanuel Baptist Church is cancelling Sunday services for March 15.

Measures that we (and others) are taking for this upcoming Lord’s day: 1. We will not have greeters in the doorway handing out worship guides. Instead the guides will be on the tables for you to take as you come in. 2. We will not pass the offering plate during the service. This week, ushers will be stationed at the exits following the service. They will have a plate in their hand for you to drop in your offering and connection cards. In subsequent weeks we anticipate having a locked box at the back for you to do this. Alternatively, online giving is always available through our website: and click “Give Online” at the very top. 3. For the time being, let’s also avoid handshakes and fist bumps, and opt instead for verbal greetings.

Info about the 2020 Bible reading plan.

A brief message from Pastor Michael to encourage you to follow along with us in our series on worship, and to encourage you to begin preparing your heart for worship this coming Sunday.

Join us in our church-wide fast on May 31 for those around us that are lost.

To register with our touring company and pay the $500 deposit, go here:

Join us in our church-wide fast on March 31 for those among us that are undergoing various trials.

Below you will find links to download our Family Devotional guide will take your kids through the beatitudes of Matthew 5:3-12. This is aimed at parents with young children.

Join us in our church-wide fast on January 31st.

We're taking a trip to the Holy Lands. March 13-22, 2020. Sign-up if you're interested in going with us.

We are gauging interest for an overseas mission trip to SE Asia for November of 2019.

Read through the Bible in a year and pray along with your reading.