Jun 25
What We're Singing: June 30
Congregational singing for June 30, 2019.
God has promised that he is working through every moment in our lives to make us into the likeness of Jesus.
Keep ReadingGod's people can trust that God will be faithful to provide for his people and should submit to his rule over all details of their lives.
Keep ReadingJun 25
Congregational singing for June 30, 2019.
Jun 20
A brief message from Pastor Michael to encourage you to follow along with us in our series on worship, and to encourage you to begin preparing your heart for worship this coming Sunday.
Jun 20
Congregational singing for June 23, 2019.
Jun 10
Congregational music for June 16, 2019.
Jun 3
Congregational music for June 9, 2019.