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I wanted to let you know about three things coming up of which you might want to take note:

First, starting Tuesday, January 25 (a week from tomorrow), we will begin a weekly prayer meeting. The meeting will be from 6:45 AM to no later than 7:15 AM. Lord willing, we will meet at this time every week. The meeting will not be a taking of prayer requests, but a schedule of certain things for which to pray. 

Second, starting Monday, January 31 (two weeks from today), we will begin a monthly seminar teaching how to study the Bible, and we’ll be making our way through the gospel of John. It will take place from 12-12:45 PM. We’re calling it, “Feast,” since we will be feasting on lunch and on God’s word. You can either bring your own lunch, or we will pick it up for you. If you need us to pick up lunch, please place $5 in a pew envelope, write your name on the front of the envelope, and place it in the offering boxes at the back of the auditorium this Sunday or next. If you are planning on bringing your own lunch, you don’t need to tell us that you’re coming. Feel free to bring a friend.

Finally, on Wednesday nights we’ve been making our way through the Old Testament. This Wednesday (January 19), we’ll be shifting gears for about 3 months, to do a study on The Church. We will be covering every angle of our life together as the body of Christ. Who we are. What we do. Why are we Baptist? Why are we Southern Baptist? And many other things. 

I hope that you can join us for all of these exciting things coming up!

-Pastor Michael