The youth ministry at Emmanuel Baptist Church consists of middle and high school students in grades 6-12. Below is information about youth ministry bible studies and fellowships:
Sunday Morning Building Block (9:15 AM): During this time, we delve into various topics that equip students with both knowledge and resources to live a life dedicated to worship and service to Jesus. For the upcoming 2023-24 Building Block cycle, our topics will be as follows:
August '24 - November '24: Who is God? A systematic study on the nature and character of God.
November '24 - February '25: God and Kingdom: A survey of God's redemptive work in the world.
February '25 - May '25: What is the Church?
May '25 - August '25: Book Study - Judges
Wednesday Night Midweek Bible Study (6:15 PM): Our midweek Bible study focuses on verse-by-verse teaching on a specific book of the Bible. We aim to teach what the texts says, means, and how it applies to our lives while also teaching students learn how to study the Bible themselves. Currently, we are studying through The Gospel of Luke.
Sunday Night Small Group (5:00 PM): The youth and their families come together to enjoy a meal, sing, and discuss the Bible together. We are currently utilizing New City Catechism to grow in our knowledge of God and to memorize his word.
Fellowships: Our parents take the lead in organizing fellowships for youth and youth families. It is our desire to equip parents for their God-given responsibility to disciple their children while also modeling Biblical community for our students.
Special Events
One Life Weekend: Our annual Disciple Now Weekend, called "One Life Weekend," is held in partnership with Alberta Baptist Church. You can learn more about this event at The aim of this event is to encourage middle and high school students to worship and serve Jesus within the local church, all for the glory of God.
Family Retreat: Our youth and children's ministry families join together for a retreat at Shocco Springs in Talladega, AL. We worship the Lord and enjoy spending time together.
Our desire in these events is to see middle and high school students worship and serve Jesus in and through the local church to the glory of God. We strive to model faithful church worship services in our gatherings. We do this by emphasizing expositional preaching, biblically-ordered worship services, and doctrinally-rich singing.