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Family worship guide ahead of 9.22.24

Family worship guide ahead of 9.15.24

Family worship ahead of 9.8.24

Family worship guide ahead of 9.1.24

When it comes to the Sabbath, Christians have different ideas on what it means and how to observe it. For many people, it is a day to go to church and have fellowship with other believers. What they often miss, though, is that the Sabbath is intricately tied to rest and worship—both of which ultimately point to the Lord as our creator and redeemer.

Family worship guide ahead of 8.25.24

Churches are full of differences. In recent years, political and social issues such as convictions about public schools, the best way to combat racism, and a particular musical style have frayed the unity of many churches. Yet if a church is centered on Christ alone, then unity at church will sometimes mean building genuine friendships with those who are different. How can Christians navigate those relationships? Can they really love people at church who sometimes drive them crazy?

Family worship guide ahead of 8.18.24

Family worship guide ahead of 8.11.24

Family worship guide ahead of 8.4.24