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Everyone is wondering what to do to pass the time in light of the disruption the COVID-19 pandemic has caused to our daily lives. But what if in our war on boredom we actually wasted this time? Here are five suggestions on how to avoid wasting your quarantine.

Measures that we (and others) are taking for this upcoming Lord’s day: 1. We will not have greeters in the doorway handing out worship guides. Instead the guides will be on the tables for you to take as you come in. 2. We will not pass the offering plate during the service. This week, ushers will be stationed at the exits following the service. They will have a plate in their hand for you to drop in your offering and connection cards. In subsequent weeks we anticipate having a locked box at the back for you to do this. Alternatively, online giving is always available through our website: and click “Give Online” at the very top. 3. For the time being, let’s also avoid handshakes and fist bumps, and opt instead for verbal greetings.