Look back: Look back over 2 Samuel 11 and remember David’s adultery led to his sinful cover-up, and all of it was evil to the Lord.
Look ahead: This coming Sunday, Pastor Michael will be preaching from 2 Samuel 12. Read the passage during the week with your family.
Ask: How is God's grace to David evident in his discipline of him?
Pray: Pray that you would receive biblical correction with humility and repentance.
Sing: Visit the blog for this week's music. You can also find our music playlists on Spotify.
You can read some or all these passages in conjunction with the songs during family worship. You might consider doing one song per day, Monday-Friday. The weekly bulletin contains more Scripture references for most songs.
How Great (Psalm 145): Psalm 145
Hallelujah for the Cross: Romans 3:19-28
Good Shepherd of My Soul: Psalm 23
Christ is Mine Forevermore: Romans 8:28-38
Glorify Thy Name: Psalm 95:1-6
Monthly Missions Focus: Click here to learn about our monthly missions focus (Alaska).
Catechize: (New City Question 2). This coincides with the weekly catechism question for Wednesday night.
Q: What is God?
A: God is the creator of everyone and everything.
From Sunday School August 20:
This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.
- Babies & Toddlers: Jesus showed that He has power over death.
- Younger Preschool: Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He showed that He has power over death. Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead. Everyone who trusts in Jesus will live forever with Him.
- Older Preschool: Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He showed that He has power over death. Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead. Those who trust in Jesus will live forever with Him.
- Kids: When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He showed that He has power over death. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead. He gives eternal life to those who trust in Him.
This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.
- Younger Preschool: Why do people not choose Jesus? People choose what they want rather than what God wants.
- Older Preschool: Why do people not choose Jesus? People are born with sin and choose what they want rather than what God wants.
- Kids: Why do people reject Jesus? People reject Jesus because all people are born with a sin nature and want to please themselves rather than obey God.
This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.
- Babies & Toddlers: People were unkind to Jesus. Isaiah 53:3
- Younger Preschool: People turned away from Jesus and were unkind to Him. Isaiah 53:3
- Older Preschool: He was like someone people turned away from; he was despised, and we didn’t value him. Isaiah 53:3
- Kids: He was despised and rejected by men, a man of suffering who knew what sickness was. He was like someone people turned away from; he was despised, and we didn’t value him. Isaiah 53:3
** Next week: The World Is Against God (Ephesians 6)