Look back: Look back over 1 Samuel 25 and remember David is restrained from his vengeance by God because the Lord fights for his people.

Look ahead: This coming Sunday, Pastor Michael will be preaching from 1 Samuel 26. Read the passage during the week with your family.

Ask: Why do you think Saul went after David again considering what happened in chapter 24?

Pray: Praise God that His kingdom rests on the shoulders of Jesus the righteous King. 

Sing: Visit the blog for this week's music. Two of my absolute favorites that I recommend are "Christ Our Hope in Life and Death" and "Before the Throne of God Above." You can also find our music playlists on Spotify.

Monthly Missions Focus: Click here to learn about our monthly missions focus (Asian Pacific Rim).

Catechize: (New City Question 23)
Q: Why must the Redeemer be truly God?

A: That because of his divine nature his obedience and suffering would be perfect and effective.

From Sunday School January 29:


This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Younger Preschool: Haman’s evil plan could not stop God. God had a plan for Esther to rescue the Jews. By saving the Jews, God made the way for His Son, Jesus, to come into the world.
  • Kids: God was in control over Haman’s evil plan to destroy the Jews. Like Haman, Satan wants to ruin God’s plan and destroy believers. Satan thought he had won when Jesus died on the cross, but God raised Jesus from the dead and defeated Satan once and for all. All who believe in Jesus are rescued from sin and death.


This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit. 

  • Younger Preschool: How should we feel when we make wrong choices? When we make wrong choices, we should feel sorry that we have disobeyed God and want to obey Him.
  • Kids: How should we feel when we sin? When we sin, we should feel sorry that we have disobeyed God and want to turn from our sin because we love Him. 


This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit. 

  • Younger Preschool: We should feel sorry when we disobey God and want to obey Him. 2 Corinthians 7:10
  • Kids: For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, but worldly grief produces death. 2 Corinthians 7:10

** Next week: Nehemiah Rebuilt the Walls (Nehemiah 1–7)