Look back: Look back over 1 Samuel 24 and remember God’s kingdom is built on the righteous king whose genuineness of heart is proven by his actions.

Look ahead: This coming Sunday, Pastor Michael will be preaching from 1 Samuel 25. Read the passage during the week with your family.

Ask: Can you think of times where God restrained you from sin through the godly influence of another person? 

Pray: Praise God that in Jesus there is removal of sin's penalty, the ongoing deliverance from sin's power, and the future hope of the eradication of sin's presence. 

Sing: Visit the blog for this week's music. "The Solid Rock" and "Grace Greater Than Our Sin" are two in particular that can easily be sung at home. You can also find our music playlists on Spotify.

Monthly Missions Focus: Click here to learn about our monthly missions focus (Sanger, California).

Catechize: (New City Question 22)
Q: Why must the Redeemer be truly human?

A: That in human nature he might on our behalf perfectly obey the whole law and suffer the punishment for human sin.

From Sunday School January 22:


This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Younger Preschool: God’s words are always true, so we can always trust God. Jeremiah told of God’s plan to forgive sin and help people want to obey God. Jesus made these words come true. God forgives our sin through His Son, Jesus.
  • Kids: God’s words brought hope to God’s people because His words were true. God can always be trusted. Jeremiah told about a day when God would forgive sin and change people’s hearts. Jesus’ death and resurrection provides forgiveness of sins. Through Jesus, we have new hearts and life with God forever.


This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit. 

  • Younger Preschool: Can God be trusted? Yes, we can trust whatever He has said.
  • Kids: Can God be trusted? Yes, God cannot lie or ever be wrong, so we can trust whatever He has said.


This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit. 

  • Younger Preschool: The person who trusts in the Lord is blessed. Jeremiah 17:7
  • Kids: The person who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence indeed is the LORD, is blessed. Jeremiah 17:7

** Next week: Esther Saved Her People (Esther)