Look back: Look back over 1 Samuel 23 and remember despite facing rejection from his own community, David is protected by the Lord.

Look ahead: This coming Sunday, Pastor Michael will be preaching from 1 Samuel 24. Read the passage during the week with your family.

Ask: Are you surprised that David spared Saul? Why or why not?

Pray: Thank God that in Christ we are spared from His wrath and delivered safely into His kingdom (Colossians 1:13-14).

Sing: Visit the blog for this week's music. "Lord From Sorrows Deep I Call" is a personal favorite of mine that I recommend. You can also find our music playlists on Spotify.

Monthly Missions Focus: Click here to learn about our monthly missions focus (Sanger, California).

Catechize: (New City Question 21)
Q: What sort of Redeemer is needed to bring us back to God?

A: One who is truly human and also truly God.

From Sunday School January 15:


This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Younger Preschool: God’s people rebuilt the temple so they would have a place to worship God. Years later, God sent His Son, Jesus, to be with His people on earth.
  • Kids: God's people rebuilt the temple so they would have a place to worship God. Years later, God sent His Son, Jesus, to be with His people. Now, God does not dwell with His people through the temple. Instead, God dwells directly with His people through His Spirit. Jesus provided something better than the temple; He gives us Himself.


This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit. 

  • Younger Preschool: Can God be trusted? Yes, we can trust whatever He has said.
  • Kids: Can God be trusted? Yes, God cannot lie or ever be wrong, so we can trust whatever He has said.


This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit. 

  • Younger Preschool: The person who trusts in the Lord is blessed. Jeremiah 17:7
  • Kids: The person who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence indeed is the LORD, is blessed. Jeremiah 17:7

** Next week: God Can Always Be Trusted (Jeremiah 31)