Look back:  Read back over Philippians 4:10-23 and remember Christ-centered contentment is being satisfied in all situations, yet grateful for every provision.

Look ahead: This coming Sunday, Pastor Michael will be preaching from Psalm 31. Read the passage several times during the week with your family.

Ask: What does verse 3 say about why God leads and guides us? What attributes of God do you find throughout the passage? What reasons does the psalm give for trusting in the Lord?

Sing: Visit the blog for this week's music. You can also find our music playlists on Spotify.

Monthly Missions Focus: Click here to learn about our monthly missions focus (Venezuela)

Catechize: (New City Question 40)
What should we pray?
A: The whole Word of God directs us in what we should pray.

From Sunday School: Starting next week, this section will have information directly from "The Gospel Project" Sunday School curriculum so you can take what kids are learning on Sunday mornings and discuss them during the week.