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Family worship guide ahead of 11.24.24

God has promised that he is working through every moment in our lives to make us into the likeness of Jesus.

God's people can trust that God will be faithful to provide for his people and should submit to his rule over all details of their lives.

We often grow angry with God when life does not go the way we want. This tends to show up in the forms of grumbling, bitterness, and laxity toward sin.

Circumstances where life does not go the way we believe it should often produces anger revealing what our heart treasures.

Unmet expectations and unwanted circumstances in our lives often produces anger. Anger flows from the heart and can be godly if rightly oriented or sinful if self-centered in focus.

Congregational music for January 2025.

Family worship guide ahead of 11.17.24

Family worship guide ahead of 11.10.24